Women’s Health
Women face pressures that occasionally see us lose a sense of self-worth and dignity. At Noosa Body Mechanics, we specialise in providing women with high-quality personalised care. Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience working with specific issues that impact the lives of women. We can help you with issues related to hormone imbalances, fertility, the prenatal phase during pregnancy, pre-birth and postpartum recovery. Find out how bioelectric massage can help you or get in touch to speak with one of our practitioners.

Prenatal and Pregnancy Care
Pregnancy is one of the most emotionally intense experiences in a woman’s life. There is so much change happening within our bodies each and every day, that this can be both exciting and scary for some. While every woman’s experience of pregnancy is unique to them, we commonly experience powerful emotions, physical discomfort and pain. It is important to take care of yourself during this time, by taking care of your physical, emotional and mental health. Our goal as your natural health therapist is to provide you with gentle care, understanding and sanctuary.
At Noosa Body Mechanics, we can support you during pregnancy and preparing for birth, as well as providing unique solutions for women who may be experiencing difficulty in becoming pregnant. Overall, we help you strengthen your body and mind for all stages of pregnancy and motherhood.
Postnatal (Postpartum) Recovery
Becoming a new mum is a magical time in your life. But it can also be the most challenging. Too many new mums put up with an aching body, pelvic floor symptoms, feeling unappreciated, feeling weak and exhausted, unhappy with their body and feelings of lost identity in a pile of dirty nappies and never-ending chores. You don’t need to feel like this.
To be the best mum you can be, you need to allow yourself to be supported. At Noosa Body Mechanics, we can support your recovery after birth, so that you feel stronger physically, emotionally and mentally. Our Postnatal Recovery Program is designed to support you with pelvic floor health, difficulties with breast-feeding due to mastitis, breast engorgement and irregular milk flow and hormonal fluctuations.

Postnatal Recovery Program
In traditional Chinese medicine, postnatal care is vital in the mother’s recovery after childbirth. The delivery process depletes the postpartum body of Qi (or energy) and blood. The aim of postnatal care is to repair your body from the physical strain and energy used during labour, nourish and replace lost fluids, and strengthen your vitality to assist in caring for your newborn.
The first 30 to 40 days after giving birth should ideally be a time of retreat, rest and recovery for you to overcome exhaustion, restore vitality and bond with your new baby. A good postnatal support is an investment in your future health based on scientific evidence and traditional wisdom. Our Postnatal Recovery Program delivers profound benefits for both your physical and mental health.
Benefits of our Postnatal Recovery Program include:
- Improve pelvic floor vitality and stability, preventing incontinence and prolapse
- Reduce Pelvic pain
- Improve milk flow
- Reduce water retention through lymphatic drainage
- Improve digestion and bowel motion
- Reduce muscle tension (neck, shoulder, back pain)
- Improve blood circulation
- Improve sleep
- Reduce headaches and migraines
- Increase mobility and aid in facilitating return to exercise
- Reduce stress and aid in mental wellness
Our Postnatal Recovery Program includes 8 sessions. The first 4 sessions are relaxing and rejuvenating. They include the use of Chinese herbal mud to aid the body in detoxifying, reducing water retention and relieving wind. The subsequent 4 sessions focus on the use of Bioelectric Meridian Massage to clear blockages, improve circulation, promote breast health, relieve tension and drain the lymphatic system.
Pelvic Floor Recovery Program
Pregnancy and childbirth are the most physically intense experiences a woman’s body can endure. It is critical that every woman knows how to look after her pelvic floor. And this is especially important for women planning for pregnancy, in the event of a perineal tear, episiotomy or instrumental vaginal delivery (forceps or suction).
Optimising your pelvic floor recovery following childbirth helps to prevent unwanted conditions such as prolapse, incontinence or pain during intercourse. It is common for women to dissociate from their vaginal area after sustaining a pelvic floor injury or a traumatic birth. Not only does the area feel strange and uncomfortable, you may also fear reliving the experience.
Modern new mums are under pressure to ‘bounce-back’ after childbirth — back to their pre-pregnancy productivity, pre-pregnancy body, pre-pregnancy spirit, pre-pregnancy sexual activity. However, it’s really important to acknowledge that your body has just achieved an amazing act of giving birth, and your vagina will not bounce back and feel ‘normal’ straight away. Disassociating or ignoring your vagina can contribute to dysfunction and affect your relationship with your partner further down the track. After giving birth, your pelvic floor is healing, just like any other muscle needs to heal after an injury. The ability of your pelvic floor to heal and recover will be enhanced by the amount of care and support you give it.

Pelvic floor dysfunction can be mentally challenging as well as physically challenging. The good news is there is much you can do to help this muscle heal, so try to stay positive. You are not alone, and you don’t just need to put up with it. If you feel as though you have tried everything you aren’t seeing improvement, speak with us about how Bioelectric Meridian Therapy can help.
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